November 19
19.11.2019 - 04.01.2020
Europe 2019
on arodavie's travel map.
Dude where’s my car?? That’s a bit what we felt like this morning at 630 as we are aimlessly walking in circles around the parkade trying to find our car. The park was not at all logically and super confusing but after 10 minutes we finally managed to find it! Michael has one more chance to drive on the autobahn before we got to the airport. We were travelling out of different terminals so we got Henry and Aganetha checked in before we headed over to our terminal. Hopefully they did okay making it through the airports by themselves. On the trip it was very clear that they had never travelled and I thought that they would be okay because they had at least been to Mexico, but it was a lot more work than I expected. We got checked in ourselves and then went to security. I had completely forgotten that I had put my pocket knife in michaels backpack just in case we had cheese when we were in Holland. I felt really bad and was prepared to have it taken away but amazingly they let us keep it. The security guy measured the knife blade and apparently it was small enough to keep. Our flight was delayed a bit and we sat in the plane and waited which was annoying. It didn’t help that we had a loud family in front of us. I know travelling with young kids is hard but these kids were brats and the parents weren’t doing much to help! Made for a long flight. We got into Keflavík airport and without going through any checks or customs we were in Iceland. Our rental car turned out to be a bright yellow fiat panda! Lol. Michael was not impressed! We started driving the scenic way to Skógar and the first part of the drive was through barren land with just lava rocks. It was incredibly eerie and felt like we were in apocalypse! I thought “what the heck are we doing here??” I’ve never seen anything so desolate or lonely. After what seems liked a long time we reached the coast (we were driving straight across the Reykjanes peninsula) and we were greated by gail force wind, pounding waves, blowing sand and more eerie rock. It was something else! Slowly as we drove along the coast it got flatter and a little more normal looking. Still there are hardly any houses and a lot of open grass land. We drove for about an hour in the light then it started to get dark. We reached Skógar just after 6 but it felt way into the night. Our hotel had a restaurant so we tried the local Arctic char and lamb. After dinner we soaked in the hot tub and enjoyed the sauna. We later crawled into bed and it was so comfy I slept through the night for the first time in ages. (Hotel Skógar)